Saturday, January 17, 2015

"Baubles & Bangles" or "Boy-Belles & Bang-Elles"

  For the first caption I've done in quite some time, I composed this cap-back for a piece that Anne Oni Mouse (whose Tumblr is here) presented me at Rachel's Haven.
  I do apologize for not keeping up the posts here the last few months, but I've simply not had the needed inspiration or motivation to do much lately. I have worked on a few pieces in the last couple of weeks, but I hesitate to say that much will be forthcoming. So, should any of you still be looking at my spot, I do appreciate it, and will try getting more done.

"Baubles & Bangles" or "Boy-Belles & Bang-Elles" (Click images to enlarge)


  1. Awesome caption set. I love it! It was a nice slow and sensual change between them. I can only wonder how the orgasm was from that hard cock. Then again, I'm sure she knows how to please that body. ;)

    1. Oh, I'm sure that body is a pleasure in itself, Hewy! And the slow sensuality leads more intense climaxes, wouldn't you say, dear?!

      Again, thank you, Hewt! And I'm sorry I've been so out-of-it for a while.
      Peace,Love&Kisses :-x :-x
