Here are a few recent bit and pieces I've put together for some of the 'girlz'' at Rachel's Haven, both long-standing and recent additions.
My tendency for 'jumping the gun' and dropping a caption in an Introduction thread now and then means that not all of the recipients have trading folders, or even intend to do captions at all. I just like to have fun and try helping them feel welcome!
For Bren: "Brian Beard Trim" (One of Rachel's amazing Administrators, hardly a newbie. I made this to aim for several of her quirks in a single shot... for which she awarded me a cadre of kitties!)
For DianeD: "Final X Am"
For Liz at Y! PO3 "Undercover Partner" (is an extension of one of her concepts I had thought of turning into a series, but have not yet continued)
For Consensus: "Insights" (we both seem to confuse people by thinking about what we say. this work of dissonant prose is not aimed at any one other than numerous, unnamed people we've each encountered in our R-L acquaintances and work environs.)
For Howler: "Shapeshifter David: Earning His Keep" (a little photomanip too, to depict his ablilities.)
For Pacomaster; (two separate caps for this lover of 'werewomanhood')
For Playin Petra: "Pete; an Escape-Fail Tale" (not recent, but not posted here -I don't think. Petra is not a newbie by any means, but she is fun to play with, and a great help among The Haven Admin's.)
Its somewhat irony that you are continuing to something that Bren and I used to do back in the day of trying to be the first to "deflower a trading folder" or "take a certain member's caption virginity."
ReplyDeleteSomeone would get a new folder and WHAM! We'd try to be there before the other. Glad to see that you are picking up our slack as we do more on the front end of the Haven.
The best thing about it though is I think it can bring people into the community that might not have thought about interacting with others. TG captions (and anything TG) has been an often solitary thing, and anytime you can engage people to talk, that encourages a dialog of communication.
Anyway, off my friggin high horse .. GR8 captions! Keep up the good work!
Wow! Thank you, Dee! And I didn't realize that I was following in the footsteps of greats and admins.
DeleteMaybe the first couple of times there was an element of trying to 'bust someone's "caption-head"', but doing an introduction cap has become more about your latter point of making a newbie feel welcome, and breaking the ice.
Having been a lurker for so long myself, I can relate to the hesitation and anxiety one feels at what, in many cases, is the first contact or sharing about having TG/TF- feelings / desires / proclivities.
No, dear, I don't see your comments as being on a 'high horse', simply as you appreciating that a banner you bore has been picked-up and continues to advance toward the goal of 'trans-sisterhood' and caption-comraderie'! :-)
And I'm very glad that you support the effort and like the captions! Thank you!
Peace,Love&Kisses...&Captions too!!!
hey hun, how you been hugggggggggg glad your still doing great work :) look for me on line hun.hugs, Sedra.
ReplyDelete((Sedra)) huggs back, sweetheart! And thank you!!!
DeleteI've been aiming to put something together for you and drop you a PM. I lost many contacts when Y! booted me out, and I need to re-establish them. (though that doesn't excuse my long silence prior to that. I am sorry!)