Sunday, August 18, 2013

A Couple of Short-Shots

  A cap-back for Chelsea and a 'just-because' for another capper at P.O. 4

"No Capes, Darling"
 "Wish They All Could..."


  1. Elle, you created two wonderfull captions here.
    I think Felicia likes it that she made an appearance in "No capes, darling."

    And with a girl like that you make a very good point by choosing a California Girl.

    Hugs and Kisses.

    1. Thank you, darling! "No Capes" is the cap that inspired me to do the "F.N.Hextus the HabersaHer" concept for Felicia.

      And, the other would surely be a great way to deal with those feelings of homesickness when on holiday abroad!!! ;-)

