Thursday, December 27, 2012

Club Crossover

 Not a holiday theme, but the season has surely contributed to the delays I encountered while composing this cap-back for Moonburst.

  Here is hoping all your days (have) be(en) merry and bright, and all your Christmases be(en) pink!

"Club Crossover"
 Much more to this story...


  1. It would be nice if you could read caption along with viewing the pictures.

    1. My apologies, stranger! I'll gladly work on fixing any problem, I just need to know what it is.

      Right-clicking an image and opening it in a new tab will allow you to scale-up the page for better legibility.

      Sometimes a color-scheme I select renders text unreadable.

      If your device is a smaller kind, I've no experience using/viewing with phones or pads or pods.

      Please, check back later, and I'll have the text posted between the images as soon as I can.

