Sunday, May 6, 2012

Rachel's May '12 Entries 3 & 4

  Okay, Folks. These have both actually spilled from my drain,,, I mean BRAIN, today, (as is probably evidenced by their questionable quality).

  Two more submissions to The Haven's May 2012 Cap-Con.

  "WideEyed Awakening"

"White-Hot Bikini Wahini"


  1. Loved WideEyed Awakening! White-Hot Bikini Wahini was pretty good too! If I could offer a little bit of criticism though, the text was a little bit hard to read in some spots, as it was very light compared to the light background.

  2. Thank you, sweetie,I'm glad you liked the stories. Sorry about the 'faded' text. I think it happened when I opened it in Paint rather than GIMP, to reduce its file size for posting in The Haven. Paint doesn't handle transparency, and the backgrounds were semi-transparent on both of these, and the yellow text stood out well.

    Thanks again, Peace,Love&Kisses!!!
