Friday, November 11, 2011

Family Revelation

This set is composed in response to a request made by a member of the Possession Obsession 3 yahoo group. I have not done many 'bodyhopper / possession' themed captions thus far, so try and tell me what you think, please.


  1. I wish I was so lucky to have a sister like that, who understood my feelings so well. Keep up the good work LOL

  2. Thank you, Eddie! I'm sure most of the community would share a similar sentiment. I would be a more beautiful world if such love and succor were more prevalent! (and a lot more fun if we could share more closely each others' experience!)
    I appreciate your comments, and am 'noodling' ideas for a special 'thank you'. If there is something in particular you'd like to see, let me know, otherwise, I'll just have to surprise you.
