Thursday, August 18, 2011

Something Special for Sexy Sedra

Sedra is a very special lady! A sweet heart and a dear spirit, a lady so many of us might wish to be like. She is a caring, helpful, and understanding woman who I hope very much to be able to call a friend for an immeasurably long time.

I put this together as a thank you to Sedra for lending; her encouragement to a novice captioneer, her 'ear' to a troubled human soul needing to vent, and her inspiration to so many who seek hope and strength as they travel and travail along the question marked roads we call our lives.

 Love, Peace, and Blessings;
Elle-Jae Matthews


  1. awwwwwww i love them hun, thank you :)

  2. Once again, no, Thank you, darlin'! Jeez, if we lived close enough to meet in person, I'd consider getting 'Thank you, Sedra' tattooed on my forehead just to save on key-strokes.

    Love, Hugs, and many Kisses;
