Wednesday, January 29, 2014


  Here's an image-flip that I made for Jezebel at Rachel's Haven. If you're into body/spirit-hopping this might appeal, although, I agree with Jezebel that having a willing encounter is much preferred

Monday, January 20, 2014

Weres in the Wood Shed

   Here's a recent tale I told about Helena in return for a present she gave me at Rachel's Haven.
 And there is much more to come once you click on "Read more"

Monday, January 13, 2014


  Here's a three-page piece I did last month as a cap-back for 'Pillzee' at Rachel's Haven. I haven't heard back from her on it, so let's see what y'all think.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Alien Alignment AbductHim

  A recent and well-received cap-back for Ruby, (aka Lady Harmony, fka Wraithstrike), at Rachel's is what follows. (It even drew kudos from Courtney of Clean Captions fame.)
  If the best offense really is a good defense, then laying down to get locked & loaded would surely be a disarming maneuver!
 Six more pages remain beyond by clicking:

Sunday, January 5, 2014

"Toasting the Holidays with Hot-Hotties"

  Creatively stifled, for the most part, in the closing weeks of 13, the following cap-back for WendyGirl at Rachel's Haven was more vexing than it should have been to compose. Nevertheless, it celebrates the passing of the old and beginning anew with close friends of like mind!
  Happy new year and a brilliant future to you all!!!